
As she poked the fire in the stove, Calandra went over the calendar in her head, mentally listing all the things to be done before the holiday. It was just before dawn as she stepped out the back door of their apartment with the wood basket. It had snowed during the night. An ethereal glow lit the fields east to Pony Ridge, white as far as she could see. The distinct hush of freshly fallen snow filled the valley. She held her breath for a moment, becoming part of its presence. The Sparrow’s Choice


Restocked firewood this week – yay! A dear friend came and sawed some big chunks into a more manageable size for me and then the splitting began! I moved what I had left from the driveway to the house and shazam!!! Heat for the rest of the winter!!! No snow in our future but I’ll be ready when it comes!

Splitting operation, supply before and after

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