Buried Treasure and…

The continuing challenge to keep Cooper happy!
The forecast has been bleak in Montana, cold winds, wind chills and hazardous driving warnings. Time to come up with some more firewood! I had to be serious this time. As before, the search was the hard part – where the heck is the wood pile?20190228_125829

I shoveled and shoveled. I ended up with steps in the snow, eventually coming out on top of the wood pile. Eureka! Lots of fat, dry chunks of fur waiting under a tarp to be split and roasted.


buried treas 3

The wheelbarrow still had it’s nose out of the snow bank, minus a bolt, but I fixed that and moved on quickly. I split wood a couple of sessions (yep, it heats twice) and ended up with fir and maple to last us through this arctic blast.
buried treas 1


Coop is happy.  Mom is happy.

After a visit outside today, in a brisk 17 degrees, he actually came in and warmed his chocolate butt on the hearth, standing as close as he could to the stove.  Aahhh, life is good!

4 thoughts on “Buried Treasure and…

  1. Must be hard to get too happy under those conditions but there is always lots to be thankful for. Have to hang on to those things.


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